Stars, Solo Traveler, Solo Travel, Woman, Night Sky (Image: Unsplash)

✨ We’re Over 60,000 Solo Travelers Now ✨

We recently exceeded the mark of 60,000 united solo travelers ❤️ That very strongly supports our goal to offer a great incentive for travel providers to provide attractive, suitable and inexpensive travel offers for solo travelers, by bundling the demand of solo travelers. Why not briefly introduce yourself in the Solo Travel forum?

50,000 Solo Travelers United!

We have exceeded the mark of 50,000 solo travelers! ❤️ Join our Thailand tour or briefly introduce yourself in our community …

Single Supplement – Fair or Unfair?

What “single supplement” or “single room supplement” means and what we do against it Many travelers and even tour operators have – at least in our opinion – a wrong or illogical idea of what is meant by “single room supplement”. For example, it happens regularly that tour operators present us travel offers for our […]